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Geregistreerd: 14 apr 2007
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virjinz schreef:
In 1939, with the adoption of the No. 4 MK I bayonet, ...

...The second model was a straight metal tube, which was much easier to manufacture than the conical tube. It was no longer closed by a ball finial but by a simple !!! DOP !!!. ....

In de partslist van de MKII schede heet die !!!DOP!!! een plug en het woord simple zou ik niet gebruiken.

Ik werk op dit moment aan een strategisch plan voor een machinefabriek, waardoor het mij helaas ontbreekt aan tijd voor het grondig correctielezen van je Engelse teksten. Als er concrete vragen zijn help ik je graag, waar mogelijk. Afhankelijk van de aandeelhouders, heb ik over een week of twee meer tijd, misschien ook niet.

22 feb 2008, 22:51
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Geregistreerd: 28 maart 2007
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Kristof ik denk dat ik je wel kan helpen met die Engelse teksten...alle rapportages die ik voor mijn werk maak zijn ook in het Engels.
Zou je mij de teksten in een MS Word bestand kunnen mailen (email volgt via PB). Dit werkt voor mij wat makkelijker..kan ik het tijdens de reclame blokken op TV (uitgeprint) nakijken.
Ik kan dan ook wat makkelijker de aanbevelingen in de teksten highlighten (markeren).


22 feb 2008, 23:02
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Geregistreerd: 14 maart 2007
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@Kilian, bedankt voor de suggestie ipv die fameuze !!! DOP !!! ;-) veel succes met je strategisch plan
@Meut, ik stuur je maandag een mailtje, dit weekend ben ik weinig thuis... alvast bedankt

23 feb 2008, 09:19
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Geregistreerd: 19 maart 2007
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Ik kan eventueel ook een paar paginas voor je vertalen.

"The tongue like a sharp knife... Kills without drawing blood.” Buddha

23 feb 2008, 09:43
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Geregistreerd: 14 maart 2007
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Bericht French bayonets
Mle. 1866 "Chassepot"

During the Franco-Prussian (1870-1871) war this bayonet was part of the standard French soldiers’ equipment. In 1874 it was replaced by the Mle. 1874 for the Gras rifle but this was not the end of the Mle. 1866’s military career. During the First World War, the French equipped some of their troops behind the front with Mle. 1866 and Mle. 1874 to free up more modern rifles for frontline troops.
The Germans, who had captured enormous quantities of French weapons during the Franco-Prussian war, issued their stocks of Mle. 1866 rifles and bayonets to border troops (Grenzschutz), home guard (Landwehr), guards in prisoner camps (Kriegsgefangenenlager) and other troops behind the front. These German used pieces were sometimes stamped with acceptance and troop marks on both the bayonet as the scabbards. The scabbards were modified by removing the frog lug and replacing it by a S1871 style frog stud.

This bayonet could be the model that has been copied the most of all designs. It’s brass handle with 15 grooves and the yataghan blade are typical. The early, rarer, examples had a rivet in the second groove whereas most pieces have that rivet located in the third groove.

There’s a screw on top of the muzzle ring, which is used to adjust the muzzle ring diameter. This allowed the bayonet to be fitted on rifles with slightly different muzzle diameters. These variations were due to the small imperfections in the industrial process in the middle of the 19th century.

The handle itself was fitted with a leaf spring, an effective but vulnerable locking system. Throughout the years, many of these springs have weakened or got blocked due to corrosion. Every bayonets locking system should be tested before buying it and this rule definately applies to the Mle. 1866 as well.

The back of the blade bears inscriptions that refer to time of production and the place where the bayonet was manufactured. There is absolutely no link to any Major or other officer, nor was it ever presented to Lieutenant Châttelerault, St.-Etienne or Tulle. These are the names of the places where the French factories were located.
They were called “Manufacture Impériale” under the reign of Napoleon III, who was declared Empereur of the “Second Empire” in 1952. With the election of Louis Adolphe Thiers as the first French President France in became the “Troisième République” (Third Republic) in November 1870. The national factories then became known as “Manufacture Nationale” which changed once again in 1871 to “Manufacture”.

The system used for the dates is a little peculiar as well. For the names of most months their French name was used but some were a combination of ciphers and letters. This relates to the Julian calendar, the predecessor of our current Gregorian calendar, where the new year started on the 1st of March. The list is Janvier (January), Février (February), Mars (March), Avril (April), Mai (May), Juin (June), Juillet (July), Aôut (August), 7bre (read as “septembre”, September), 8bre (read as “octobre”, October), 9bre (read as “novembre”, November) and Xbre (read as “décembre”, December).

Mle. 1874 "Gras"

After its defeat in the Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871) the French did an attempt to modernize the equipment of its army. They replaced the Mle. 1866 “Chassepot” rifle by the newly designed Mle. 1874 “Gras” bayonet and rifle.

The official Mle. 1874’s service period, from 1874 to the adoption of the Mle. 1886 in 1886, was one during which the French army was not involved in any major conflict. The bayonet has served in several colonial wars though and has definitely earned its place in French bayonet history.
During the First World War, the French equipped some of their troops behind the front with Mle. 1866 and Mle. 1874 to free up more modern rifles for frontline troops.

The bayonet can be recognised by the typical hump back handle made of wooden grips and a brass pommel with leaf spring.
The long blade is T-shaped and bears inscriptions that, just like on the Mle. 1866, refer to the time of production and the place where the bayonet was manufactured. There is absolutely no link to any Major or other officer, nor was it ever presented to Lieutenant Châttelerault, St.-Etienne or Tulle. They are the names of the places where the French factories called “manufactures” were located.

The system used for the dates is a little peculiar. For the names of most months their French name was used but some were a combination of ciphers and letters. This relates to the Julian calendar, the predecessor of our current Gregorian calendar, where the new year started on the 1st of March. The list is Janvier (January), Février (February), Mars (March), Avril (April), Mai (May), Juin (June), Juillet (July), Aôut (August), 7bre (read as “septembre”, September), 8bre (read as “octobre”, October), 9bre (read as “novembre”, November) and Xbre (read as “décembre”, December).

There exist Greek (M1874 Gras) and Chilean (M1885 Kropatschek) variations of the Mle. 1874. They can be recognised by the differences in the shape of the handle and he muzzle ring.

Mle. 1886 "Lebel"

The Mle. 1886 “Lebel” rifle was the first rifle using smokeless ammunition to be adopted by a major military force. The rifle itself was not of a revolutionairy design as it had a tubular magazine and a complicated charging mechanism. The advantage was purely due to the ammunition which required less cleaning resulting in a higher reliability. A fired shot would no longer produce a cloud of smoke revealing the shooter’s location.

The Mle. 1886 rifle was fitted with a bayonet bearing the same name. It consisted of a cylinder in which 4 grooves were milled. This cruciform blade caused severe wounds, which healed very difficultly. With some imagination the form of those wounds looked like a rose, which led to the surname “la Rosalie”. The small non-grooved part of the blade often bears several marks referring to the proofing, the factory etc.

In 1893 a first of numerous modifications was applied to the Mle. 1886 bayonet. To improve the fitting grip of the bayonet on the rifle a wider locking latch was designed. This model was called Mle. 1886-93.

When the First World War broke out the French army ordered hundreds of thousands of bayonets and the national arms factories had to take measures to keep up the pace. In November 1914, when the factories realised they would not be able to produce enough bayonets within the agreed schedule, a series of propositions was made to simplify the production process.
These modifications were accepted in 1915 by the French Ministry Of War and production started under the model name Mle. 1886-15. Bayonets of this pattern can be recognised by the absence of the hooked quillon and the removable handle.

The aluminium-like handle of the Mle. 1886 bayonets are made of a material called Alpaca. This alloy of brass, nickel and zinc was an expensive material, especially due to the high cost of nickel. In October 1914, only 2 months after the breakout of the First World War, the production of brass handles began.
In 1917 measures were taken to decrease the production costs even further by replacing the brass handles by cast iron pieces.

In 1935 a final modification was made to the Mle. 1886 bayonets by cutting the blades down to about 46mm and adapting the scabbards to this new length. The new pattern would be called Mle.1886-35.
Not all shorter Mle. 1886 bayonets which lost those missing centimetres only in 1935. The long, small blade of the 1886 was quite vulnerable and many of them broke during training, combat or any other occasion on which considerable pressure was applied. When that happened and replacements were not available, the blade was re-pointed and returned to the soldier.
Some of these bayonets were altered into very effective trench daggers as well.

A combination of all these modifications and changes of materials have created an interesting field of collecting. Alpaca handles can be found with quillon and with the quillon removed. Brass handles exist with quillon, with the quillon removed and produced without quillon. The cast iron pieces were never made with quillons.

Mle. 1892 "Berthier"

When the French artillery was equipped with the Mle. 1892 carbine its bayonet, the French returned to the sword bayonet. The Mle. 1892’s blade has a typical fuller, with a small groove at the beginning near the handle, which continues into the blade’s point. The back of the blade is flat and ends in a special point.

In 1912 a series of modifications were applied to the Mle. 1892 bayonet. This new model would be called the “Sabre-baïonnette modèle 1892 du deuxième type” (Sword bayonet model 1892 of the second type”. The most visible difference is the muzzle ring, which was made a few millimetres wider with a longer slot for the rifle’s front sight. This increased the bayonet’s stability and the strength of the muzzle ring.

A last wartime modification occurred in September 1918 when Mle. 1892 bayonets were modified for use by cavalry units. It consisted of shortening the hooked quillon by about a third, mostly just in front of the serial number. No official documents are known that instruct factories to produce Mle. 1892 bayonets with a shorter quillon.

The handle is made of a composite material. Some sources describe it as Bakelite but this was only invented in 1902 by the Belgian Doctor Leo Baekeland. The composite was expensive to produce and in 1917 production of bayonets with wooden grips started. Gunsmiths were instructed to replace the composite grips with wooden pieces when a bayonet was returned for maintenance or repair.

Throughout the years the composite shrunk and sometimes cracked around the rivets. Many surplus dealers and military collectors have replaced those damaged grips by wooden grips. Sometimes these homemade “repairs” can be spotted due to the use of screws instead of the original rivets.

Mle. 1914 "Remington"

During the First World War, France had an army of millions of soldiers to equip. The 3 major state arsenals of St. Etienne, Châtellerault and Tulle did what they could to manufacture sufficient quantities of Mle. 1886 and Mle. 1892 bayonets and rifles but this was not enough to supply all troops with weapons.

In 1914 the French government decided to place an order with the American Remington Arms Co. for the production on 50000 pieces of a single shot “rolling block” rifle and their bayonets. This rifle was used to equip troops behind the front so the Mle. 1886’s and Mle. 1892’s could be sent to the front.

The bayonet was a model that figured already in Remington’s catalog, out of which about half of the South American countries had already chosen their weapons, and 50000 pieces could be delivered within a very short delay.

This model was officially called the “Sabre-baïonnette modèle 1914” and is technically identical to the models previously made by Remington. They bear the Remington makers mark “REMINGTON ARMS-UNION METALLIC CTG. CO. REM. WORKS. ILLION.N.Y. U.S.A.” as well as French inspector’s stamps and a serial number from “J50000” onwards.

27 feb 2008, 10:49
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Geregistreerd: 14 maart 2007
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Bericht M1895 "Steyr-Mannlicher"
The immense Austrian-Hungarian army was equipped with the M1895 rifles and carbines, which were fitted with this short and practical bayonet. What is typical for the M1895 bayonet is the “upside-down” position of the blade, something what was later applied to the VZ23 and VZ24 bayonets as well. This would make the bayonet more effective as it is easier to apply an upwards force than to push the rifle downwards.

3 major patterns of the M1895 bayonet exist from which the standard version (no hooked quillon nor loop through the pommel nor Hilfskorn) is of course the most frequently encountered. The version with quillon and loop, which allowed a Troddel to be fitted, was destined to be used by non commissioned officers. A further variation featured a Hilfskorn, an additional front sight on the muzzle ring for use on the M1895 carbine.

The German Ernst Busch company, established in Solingen, has made M1895 bayonets as well. Most, if not all of them, bear the Prussian mark “W” over “17” which stands for acceptance in the Prussian army in 1917. Several explanations for this are possible but they could be meant for German troops which were sent to the Eastern Front to assist the Austrian-Hungarian Army. These German soldiers could have been armed with the M1895 to facilitate the interchangeability of weapons, spare parts and ammunition with the Austrian troops.

27 feb 2008, 16:48
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Bericht P1887 "Martini-Henry"
The P1887 was developed to be used on the Martini-Henry MKIV rifle. This was the standard British weapon during the Zulu war and served in the second Boer war and even during the First World War. After the adoption of the P1888 Lee-Metford rifle in 1888 the P1887 was issued to troops behind the front or colonial units.

There are 3 patterns or “marks” of the P1887 bayonet. The first, described as MKI, featured locking system with a leaf spring in the handle. Its successor, the MKII, had an identical blade but was equipped with a locking button instead of the leaf spring. The last model, MKIII, had the same locking button as the MKII but featured a heavier blade without fuller.

Until 2004 the P1887 rifles and bayonets were quite scarce. In that year the American companies IMA (International Military Antiques) and Atlanta Cutlery imported a huge stock of 431 tons of weapons which they found in a palace in the Nepalese city of Kathmandu.

27 feb 2008, 16:57
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een deel van de Engelstalige site staat online, meer updates volgen in de komende dagen.
pas als alles erop staat ga ik de sitemap enzo aanpassen.

24 jun 2008, 19:48
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Jij bent bizar !

Petje af 8)

"The tongue like a sharp knife... Kills without drawing blood.” Buddha

24 jun 2008, 20:58
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jdeleur schreef:
Jij bent bizar !

de pot verwijt de ketel... :-)

25 jun 2008, 07:37
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het is een hele hoop werk maar ik hoop hiermee het aantal visits per maand op te kunnen drijven van de huidige 7 à 8.000 naar >25.000. Het lijkt me wel haalbaar en men moet ambitieus zijn in het leven :-)
het gaat wel een hele boterham (of eerder een heel brood) zijn om Sam's bijdrages te vertalen, hij heeft er werk van gemaakt!

25 jun 2008, 07:40
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Geregistreerd: 05 apr 2007
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Haha, ik heb ik word iets van een 50 paginas. We zullen eerst eens beginnen met dat online te zetten, volgende week zaterdag overhandig ik het je. Daarna vertalen we het samen wel.

26 jun 2008, 21:34
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Geregistreerd: 14 maart 2007
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Dit zijn de pagina's die momenteel in het Nederlands bestaan maar nog niet in het Duits. De nieuwe pagina's over Duitse bajonetten zijn nog "under construction" met dank aan bouwheer Sam en die over de japanse T30 wordt onder handen genomen door werfleider Jeffrey.
Als iemand wat wil vertalen stoort me dat heeeeelemaaaaaaaaaaal niet ;-) (laat dan even iets weten waaraan je wil werken, dan markeer ik dat in de volgende lijst) :


MOD : de net vertaalde pagina's heb ik even uit de lijst verwijderd.

Laatst bijgewerkt door virjinz op 11 jul 2008, 08:29, in totaal 1 keer bewerkt.

30 jun 2008, 17:31
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Geregistreerd: 28 maart 2007
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Mijn Duits is momenteel wat roestig (zeker qua schrift) maar mocht het nodig zijn wil ik de NL bajonetten wel naar het Engels vertalen.
Mocht je geinteresseerd zijn wil ik daar ok nog wel wat extra aanvullingen bijschrijven.


01 jul 2008, 17:25
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dat zou heel leuk zijn. Momenteel staat er qua Nederlandse bajo's ook bitter weinig online... elke goede aanvulling is welkom!

01 jul 2008, 19:14
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